Diverse drupal links
Geplaatst op wo 02 juni 2010 in Blog
Even mijn blog gebruiken als kladblokje, om wat linken op te slaan over Drupal 7:
- Drupal's ontwikkelaars toewijding voor slechtzienden en blinden en opmerking 2
- Database backups made easy
- Mustardseed Media podcasts about Drupal
- NL school gebruikmakend van Drupal
- Drupal specialized, ICT development house
- Jeffrey Dalton Design Inc - Drupal Solutions
- Sogeti
- Drupal-serviceproviders
- Show cases
- We play group
- 100+ Drupal Views tutorials and resource
- Large-Scale Web Site Infrastructure and Drupal (Linux journal issue 197)
- How to use Drush to download and install Drupal modules
- Typing less in Drush: aliases and autocompletion
- Drush Your Drupal Development: Install and Get to Know Drush Quickly!
- Drupal path mechanisms howto
- Database conversion with Drupal
- Fund raising
- Drupaltherapy.com Screencasts
Stijl gerelateerd
- Inspiration blog
- Vrije drupal themes
- Example site, it's related to WNF
- Drupal museum
- Favoritethings.net
- Francescamusic
- Massachusetts Bible Society (tekening)
- Camping Prinsenhof (tekening)
- Gizra.com
- Vruchtbare aarde
- Touch iphone games
- Sunny day webdesign
- 4 space
- Rubik a style for the administrator, requires Tao
- Koi
- Tundra
- Picture reloaded (does not show login block!), requires Adaptive theme
- A custom front page
- Custom front page
- curvyCorners
- Cloudy day
- Simpler
- Page.tpl information
- Antonelli. Antonelli is a fluid width subtheme for Bartik.
- Squaregrid
- Titan
- Corolla
- Mayo Very adjustable
- Panel 960 grid system, see 960.gs as well
- Blogbuzz
- Blue masters
- Interactive Media
- Mutiflex 3
- Drupal gardens screencast and blog
- Drupal hosting door internetunlimited
- Acquia.com
- bhosted.nl
- deziweb.com
- Zie ook de discussie op drupal.be
- Drupal Cloud Hosting Review
- Drupal SN
- Drupal group Social Networking Sites
- Facebook-style Statuses
- Tips and tricks (rules, etc)
- Drupalfun this site was used, together with a book that describes how the site was build
- HybridAuth Social Sign-on. This module requires an external php library HybridAuth
- Social login modules requiring registration with third party websites
- Your social media presense On The Web
- Social Share
- ShareThis
Drupal Commons
- Drupal commons release announcement
- Drupal commons project page
- Drupal commons demo site
- Drupal meets Jive software
- Acquia Podcast 20: Jay Batson on Drupal Commons
Interesting Drupal-7.x modules
Admin Menu (schakel wel even de module Toolbar uit, om 2 menu's boven elkaar te vermijden)
Calendar, Explanation (something is missing, as in my installation of calendar the calendar view is marked deprecated)
Email (email masquerade)
External link (link marker)
Forum access, depends on: ACL
Insert an image
Janrain login with help of other often used sites, explanation
Maestro (workflow)
Masquerade (switch easily to another user)
Media gallery requires:
Mollom (content moderation)
Notifications, depends on Messaging
Piwik site statistics
Pathauto, this module depens on the Token module
Sweaver (theme configurator)
Webform, kleine uitbreiding met rules op deze module: webform rules en integrate rules with webform.
Interesting Drupal modules, but not available for Drupal-7 yet
- Advanced forum
- Date popup authored heeft date popup nodig waarschijnlijk van de module date
- Document
- Flat book
- Gallery Assist
- Link Intelligence
- Openid Selector
- Security review
Locale instellingen Vertalingen
Date formaten: -------------- Long: l, j F Y - G:i Medium: D, d.m.Y - G:i Kort: d.m.Y - G:i``
Handy pages
- admin/config/development/logging
- admin/config/development/performance